Friday, 11 November 2011

Practical 1&2 Worksheet-Activity 3

If i had $500, I would buy a desktop. The reason for choosing this product is because I do not have a personal desktop at home. When i play computer games, I would have to use my laptop which will cause it to spoil faster. Therefore to prevent that from happening, I would want to get a personal desktop as gaming is mostly done on a desktop. Besides gaming, I can also do some of my assignments on the desktop. They would serve as a backup in case something happens to the work done on my laptop. My family members would also be able to use the desktop for their own purposes as well.


  1. Hi Sean, What other useful things that you could do rather than playing games upon purchasing that desktop which costs approximately about $500.

  2. Hi Qamal, I could also use the desktop for assignments as well. Having a desktop also allows my family to have a additional computer to use.
